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3 Ways To Keep Your Cardio Equipment Healthy

3 Ways To Keep Your Cardio Equipment Healthy

Whilst on a service call recently our head technician Brendan, was asked by a...

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3 Ways To Keep Your Cardio Equipment Healthy

3 Ways To Keep Your Cardio Equipment Healthy

Whilst on a service call recently our head technician Brendan, was asked by a customer "what is the best way I can look after my equipment"? Cardio equipment plays a vital role in any fitness routine, whether you favour jogging on a treadmill, riding on a stationary bike or using an elliptical machine. To ensure that your cardio equipment remains in tip-top condition and continues to provide effective workouts, it's important to have some sort of maintenance plan. Here's 3 ways our technicians advise to keep your cardio equipment healthy. 

1. Regular Cleaning and Maintenance

Regular cleaning is essential for keeping your cardio equipment in optimal condition. Sweat, dust and dirt can accumulate on equipment surfaces, leading to wear and tear over time. Establish a routine for cleaning your equipment after each use to prevent buildup. Use a damp cloth to wipe down the surfaces, paying attention to areas where sweat tends to accumulate, such as handles, seats and consoles. Additionally, consider using disinfectant wipes to sanitise the equipment and reduce the risk of germs and bacteria.

Regular use of treadmill belt lubricant, commonly referred to as Treadmill oil, can save a lot of repair costs in the future.


In addition to cleaning, don't forget to check for things like loose bolts or screws, inspect the belts and chains for signs of wear and lubricate moving parts as needed. Addressing minor issues promptly can prevent them from escalating into more significant problems that require costly repairs.

2. Proper Storage and Environment

The environment in which you store your cardio equipment can significantly impact its longevity. Ideally, your equipment should be kept in a clean, dry and well-ventilated space away from direct sunlight and moisture. Excessive humidity can promote rust and corrosion, while prolonged exposure to sunlight can cause fading and deterioration of the materials.

Equipment floor mats not only protect your flooring but also stop dust from entering components underneath your equipment. As well as preventing slippage. 


When not in use, cover your equipment with a protective mat or sheet to shield it from dust and debris. If space allows, consider investing in equipment floor mats to keep your cardio machines organised and protected. Avoid placing heavy objects on top of the equipment, as this can cause structural damage or strain on the components. Laundry however is fine, as cardio equipment also often acts as a secondary washing line. 

3. Use Proper Technique and Care

Using proper technique and care during workouts can help minimise wear and tear on your cardio equipment. Avoid excessive force or abrupt movements that could strain the machine or cause damage to its components. We recommen following the manufacturer's guidelines for weight limits and usage recommendations to prevent overloading or stressing the equipment.

Additionally, be mindful of your footwear when using cardio equipment. Wearing improper shoes or footwear with abrasive soles can cause premature wear on pedals, belts and other surfaces. Invest in high-quality athletic shoes with appropriate support and cushioning to protect both your feet and your equipment.

By implementing these 3 simple steps, you can prolong the lifespan of your cardio equipment and ensure that it continues to provide you with effective workouts for years to come. In addition to that, you'll save money due to preventing call out fees and repairs. Remember to prioritise regular cleaning and maintenance, store your equipment properly, and use proper technique and care during workouts. With proper care and attention, your cardio equipment will remain in peak condition, helping you achieve your fitness goals safely and efficiently.




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Seasonal Switch: Ensure Your Cardio Equipment Is Winter Ready with These Tips

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3 Ways To Keep Your Cardio Equipment Healthy

3 Ways To Keep Your Cardio Equipment Healthy

Whilst on a service call recently our head technician Brendan, was asked by a...